Whether you are just starting out, or have a well-established business, it is likely you have been told how important it is to “drive your brand”, but what exactly does that mean?
Your brand is much more than your logo.
Your brand is essentially what people believe about your company based on their experience with your goods, services, prices, staff, and overall marketing.
It is true that one may easily recognize the logo of a company, or the colours associated, but what really resonates with people is their overall experience as it relates to your business.
Your slogan maybe “we care”, but if your receptionist is snapping her gum while on the phone and being rude to everyone who calls in, does her behaviour really align with your messaging?
Your brand is really about the complete experience your business delivers to the consumer.
A business may start out creating their brand identity with the graphic items that identify their brand including their logo, colours, fonts and graphic elements. A company’s brand, of course, is much bigger than this.
How do you want people to feel when they experience your products and services? This will be key in determining your overall brand and marketing strategies.
Some of the key areas within a brand strategy include research, strategy, design, touchpoints alignment, and asset creation.
A carefully designed, detailed and realistic brand strategy is intended to achieve certain goals within a business, but it is important to remain flexible as things can change over time.
The topic of brand strategy can be intricate and differs for each company depending on their size and the complexity of their offerings and their audience. At Thrive we are experienced in branding small and large clients and we love the challenge of bringing clarity and simplicity to our client’s brands.